Your Online Marketing Strategy

CGS Marketing strategy

Getting established with your online marketing strategy can be a daunting task.

In 2020, online ad spending went up 44% and outspent TV ad spending by almost $58 billion dollars according to

More & more people are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tiktok, etc. and less are watching traditional TV.

Social media was just a passing trend a few years ago, it has now become the unquestioned platform for opinion, information and entertainment.

Having a Marketing strategy because of these facts becomes that much more important.

CGS Marketing strategy

Even industries like traditional Radio is being impacted, dropping ad spend by 25% according to

With more people at home watching YouTube, getting their music from Itunes and Spotify, you can see why.

Throw in Internet and Satellite Radio and you can see that traditional radio has many competitors.

This information is simply to give you an idea of what marketing you should be investing in now.

That does not mean to stop using direct mail or radio or your local Newspaper.

It just means that if you are aware, then you can start incorporating these marketing avenues into your already existing marketing.

Good content is always on-trend and if you can reach 10 more people this week, that is 10 more people that now know you exist and know your message is relative.

That is 10 more people who have 10 friends they can influence or refer.

This information is simply to give you an idea of what marketing you should be investing in now.

That does not mean to stop using direct mail or radio or your local Newspaper.

It just means that if you are aware, then you can start incorporating these marketing avenues into your already existing marketing.

Good content is always on-trend and if you can reach 10 more people this week, that is 10 more people that now know you exist and know your message is relative.

That is 10 more people who have 10 friends they can influence or refer.

Another thought about online marketing is that even though successful marketing campaigns are getting more interactive, they are also getting more streamlined in their design.

More than half of all online content is viewed on a phone, and that number is expected to continue to rise.

That means that more and more marketing is being designed with the smartphone in mind, how it fits that screen and (most important) how you should be directing the end user as to what the next action is. 

Probably the most important way in which online marketing strategy is getting simplified has to do with AI.

We don’t just have Siri, Alexa, and self-driving cars, machine learning, and instant adaptability will also apply more to generating successful marketing campaigns.

With some initial setup and predetermined parameters, the email marketing of the near future will suggest titles, photos, or even keywords to you, based on customer input.

And make sure that your company information is prevalent as you want to brand yourself whenever possible.

That recognition of your name, your business name or the content will be your best resource in getting someone to remember you and use you later, when the time comes that they need you.

Contact Creative Growth Services to get set up on a customized online strategy today.

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